September 15, 2022: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
PULLMAN, Washington – On September 15, 2022, NuPhY formally changed its name to Qualterra. Qualterra (NuPhY) is a leader in the production of clean plants, genetic and disease testing services and a pioneer in agricultural-based biochar and green renewable energy systems with locations in Pullman and Spokane Washington.
“The decision to change our name was to align our Company brand with our mission. To deliver solutions that improve Food Security, Sustainability and Carbon Responsibility for the agriculture community and the world around us”. The root of “Qualterra” means “Quality Earth”, said Mike Werner, CEO of Qualterra.
Werner also added, “Our products and services help secure the future of agriculture by improving the sustainability, quality and viability of agricultural systems for our customers and partners.”
Dr. Amit Dhingra, founder and Chief Science Officer of NuPhY, Professor and Head of the Department of Horticultural Sciences at Texas A&M University and an Adjunct Professor at Washington State University said, “We are very excited about the new name as it aligns with our goals to support the agricultural community in reducing risk, improve their yields, reinvest in their soils in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. Our platform of technologies provides sustainable and reliable products and services to the agriculture industry using the latest in scientific research. These technologies are proven to improve food security, ensure long-term crop monitoring and health, and produce novel soil amendments that sequester carbon and deliver green renewable energy to our customers.”
About Qualterra
Qualterra’s platform of technologies that have been developed for over a decade, ensure accelerated production for true-to-type plants and tree fruits, increase yields and plant quality based on unique formulations of biochar that can sequester significant amounts of carbon and responsibly eliminate crop waste, and provide robust genetic and disease testing and other analytical services for growers and producers. Qualterra’s lab is listed by the CPCNW as capable of testing for Little Cherry Virus 2 and X-Disease.
Qualterra is a combination of two recently joined companies. NuPhY founded in 2011, and Ag Energy Solutions founded in 2010.